Charlotte's birth plan
The staff at our hospital could not have been more supportive. They were all kind, compassionate, and tried to accommodate us in any way they could. The care they gave us made Charlotte's life and death a much sweeter experience. I cannot praise them enough!
Birth Plan for Charlotte Mary
Charlotte has been diagnosed with anencephaly. We have already lost a
baby to this condition, and many of you were a part of our son
Benedict's life. We are hoping that
Charlotte's time with us will be as peaceful and beautiful as
was our time with our precious little boy. We are so grateful
for the way we were cared for last time we experienced this
heartbreaking situation. Much of this birth plan is based on
Benedict's, but we have added and altered several items, so
please read on.
Some of the things that we think will help us through this
difficult time are listed below. However, if you have any other
suggestions, please let us know. We know that circumstances beyond
everyone's control may prevent or change some of these things, but
we thought it would help all of us to have this down on paper.
We would like our daughter to be referred to as Charlotte.
Due to past classical incisions Charlotte will be delivered by cesarean.
We would like Mark to be present at all times, and Maggie (midwife)
if possible. Teresa would like to have spinal anesthesia.
As we are Catholics, we would like Charlotte to be baptised immediately
after birth. We will have blessed water with us, but any water will suffice.
We are hoping to have a priest with us but if this is not possible, and if
Mark is unable to do it for any reason, then we ask that one of the
attendants do so by sprinkling water on her forehead/face, while saying the
words "I baptise you in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, Amen" This Baptism is very, very important to us.
Since Charlotte is going to be with us for such a short time, we want
every second possible with her in our arms, beginning from the moment of
her birth. Mark and Teresa would like to hold her immediately. In the
event of medical complications arising from the removal of the placenta,
Teresa would like to remain conscious if at all possible. Our fertility
has become such a fragile thing, but it is still important to us.
We understand that a hysterectomy may be necessary, but we ask that it
be done only if there is no other safe option.
If the diagnosis of anencephaly is correct, we request only temporary
assistance to initiate Charlotte's breathing, i.e. normal suctioning etc.
and after that, comfort measures only. (Note: if the diagnosis was incorrect,
take whatever medical measures are necessary, but please keep both
parents completely informed)
We will keep Charlotte with us at all times. We would like to warm Charlotte
with skin to skin contact, rather than placing her in a warmer.
If possible we would like a single bed room.
We do not know at this time when we will want to call family members
and have them come and be with us. Please help us with phone calls and
getting visitors in at any time, as time will be of the essence for us,
and we do not want to have any avoidable regrets or missed opportunities.
We hope that Charlotte will live for several hours, and if so we would
like to feed her. Our first preference is breast milk. If Charlotte is
unable to breast feed, we will feed her expressed milk on a spoon.
Should she live for several days, we would like to tube feed her
expressed breast milk. Teresa would like assistance with expressing.
Teresa would like advice on appropriate pain relief so she can enjoy
Charlotte while she is alive, and then cope with grieving and her funeral etc.
We have brought clothing for Charlotte which we would like to dress her
in. We would also like to bath her at some stage.
If Charlotte dies during our hospital stay, please notify staff members
who will come into contact with us. Please do not take her from us after
she dies, we will tell you when we are ready. We would like to take her
home with us for some time, even if she has died.
If Charlotte does not die during our hospital stay, please give us advice
on how to feed her and care for her head at home (with dressings etc.).
We would really appreciate your follow up care, if we are fortunate enough
to have Charlotte at home while she is alive.
This is a very difficult time for all of us, including you, as you work
to support us and care for us throughout this part of our lives. We truly
appreciate your help and support, and ask that you understand the varied
range of emotions we may experience. We also appreciate and find great
comfort in your expressions of grief, so please do not hesitate to cry
or be sad in front of us, if that is how you feel. We would like you to
join in our joy and sorrow at Charlotte's birth. Please feel free to
approach us with any questions you may have.
We never thought that we would lose another baby this way. We have tried
our best to prepare for this short time with our little daughter.
Saying 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' in such a short period of time brings
such bittersweet feelings. Everything went so perfectly during
Benedict's short life, and we are hoping to give Charlotte all we
gave him. Thank you so much for helping us and supporting us through
this celebration of our daughter's short but precious and meaningful life.
Keepsakes Requested
To help us celebrate and remember this special time with our daughter, we
would like to keep mementos of her life. The following list includes some
of these and other things we would like to do. We are open to other
suggestions as well.
Bassinet card
Prints of hands and feet
Molds of hands and feet (we will have kits)
Baby blanket
Lock of hair (if she has any)
Hospital ID bracelets
Video of bath
Signatures of staff who cared for Charlotte Mary (we will supply a book)
Last updated December 22, 2022